Next connect Class
Begins January 12
Join us in prizing and proclaiming the excellencies of Jesus together!
Whether you desire to call King’s Church home or want to learn more about what we believe and do, our Connect Class was designed with you in mind.
This class takes place over the course of 4 Sunday Mornings (before the service at 8:30am). We will walk through the material at a helpful pace and answer questions you may have along the way. During these 4 weeks, you’ll learn more about:
Week 1: Mission, Vision, Values
Week 2: What We Believe & What We Do
Week 3: Church Membership
Week 4: Life Together & Life On Mission
Membership PRocess
We are a faith family! That means members of our church are more than names on a roll. We are brothers and sisters seeking to help each other prize and proclaim the excellencies of Jesus.
With this in mind, our membership process is designed to help you become a meaningful part of our faith family.
This class is designed to introduce you to who we are as a church, what we believe, and how we seek to live it out. You’ll also learn how to be meaningfully involved in the life of our faith family.
The pastors of King’s Church have a desire to care well for all of our members. This meeting helps us to learn more about the Lord’s grace in your life, the ways he’s gifted you, and the ways you hope to grow in your walk with the Lord.
The next step is for the elders to formally recommend you to the current membership in a Faith Family Meeting. The membership will have the opportunity to see your photo and briefly hear the story of how you came to faith. Generally, the elder you met with will formally recommend you for membership to the church.
Once your recommendation has been made, we allow a two week period for any biblical concerns from the faith family to be brought forward and addressed. When two weeks passes, we will call you up at the end of service to join our elders on stage. They will pray over you and you will officially covenant together with us. We will also have a church covenant for you to sign.